"Acousmatic-Somatic Utopias" is a multimedia collaboration between utopian science fiction writing and audiovisual installation led by Aramo Olaya (fictional theory and writing, visuals, and somatic practice as research) and Xiu (algorithms and musicological research, sound composition, and AV-multimedia installation).

This project reflects on the liminality between scientific and artistic practice. It focuses on sound and energetic structures for the development of algorithms as well as acousmatic-somatic utopian methodologies. Its ultimate intention is to facilitate the training of our somatic sensitivity of listening and touch to foster communication with the human and non-human and to inspire future creative thought and practices.

This is Xiu's work diary for the Artistic Residency at Laboral Centro de Arte. For more info on Aramo's work please visit the multimedia webpage of the fiction trilogy "Anarquia o Barbarie", and Aramo's compiled research padlet "Touching with the Alien".


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