How do we sense our senselessness?
Pigeons can sense the magnetic field of the earth with such precision
that they can always come back to what they feel as home,
even if they were displaced forcefully and blindly to the planet's antipodes.
That is why humans used them as messengers.
Eels and some species of bats cross the world to meet all together
with all the members of their species to mate once a year:
the eels in the Caribbean, and the bats in Central Africa.
Instead, salmons cross the oceans to give birth and die in the same river they were born.
Lévi-Strauss found out that there was a tribe that could see Venus in broad daylight.
Later, he found out that according to old navigation treatises sailors were able to see it as well.
I have trained all my life the senses of touch and of listening through piano playing.
All arts, including martial arts, seek the deepening and training of the perception.
If so, all arts are essential for life preservation and survival.
Do we really dare, are we really willing to sense otherness?
How to sensibly sense a life that has to devour life for survival?
Can a sense-able/sensible utopia be practiced through of the art of listening and the path of 无为 (Wu Wei)?